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In no particular order:

all UNCC students (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) -too many to mention in over ten years of summer programs @ Borgo-, Nelson Benzing, Nicole Miller, Ken and June Lambla, Eric Sauda,  Jeff and Anna Kenoff, Bob and Pat, Peter Wong (who should have back his Zippo), Air Panda Michael, Page, Chris Scorsone, Mia,  Colin ....;

Giorgio and Ether  Magnanensi, Giordano Montecchi, Marco, Massimo, Bradshow (Braccio music composer), Valter Neri, Valter Zanetti; Cornelia, Willie;

Ala, Katarina, Katja, Lisa Annika, Mordje, Tim, Linda, Malin, Brizza, Frederic, Maxim, Till, Martin;

Michael Richwien, Charlie,Stefan, Heidi, Ullie,Wolfie, Berndt, Nadine, Sandra, Gerdt, Uschie, Silke,Leoni, Bac (my very first dog friend), all cats generations...all of our friends


Ps -list under cuntruction: dont' be sorry if you're not in, just write me a mail and send me a picture: I'll updatete it!

To be continued......

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